New Registration/Login
(for those who have not registered previously):
• The login should be in the name of the person who will be filling out contracts (parent of athlete or adult athlete) Choose your own password. (Note your login info for future use)
• After submitting, follow on screen instructions to confirm your account. (Confirmation email may take a few minutes to arrive.)
If you are a parent/guardian, you will need to add your athlete(s) to your account:
Log back in using the login/password set up above
Click on "ADD FAMILY MEMBER" along the top of the screen (found in the black bar on the middle top of screen)
In the "Home Club" box, enter your Club Name; For USFS Number: add it if your athlete has one or leave blank
Create a record for each contract athlete in your family. (If you get a message that says "Family members not Club members" proceed to next step.)
If you are not testing, skip below to "STOP HERE AND EMAIL your Club Administrator"
Registaring for a skating Test,
Login and sign up for the appropriate Tests
• This will verify your club membership and activate you in the system for contracts
• (This step is to ensure only active CLUB members are registering for contracts. This is the only time you will have to do this step unless your membership lapses or you are not in good payment standing. A Club Adinistrator will email you when your account is activated and ready to login to set up additional family members and complete selections).
Once activated by your Club Administrator,
log in using the email and password you set up above, you will end up on your club Home Page.
Click on the appropriate button
Make your selections separately for each family member: Select by clicking selection on or off